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HR Applicant Tracking System
HR Applicant Tracking System for an India's largest turbochargers manufacturing company to pick out the right candidate.
Key Achievements
- Easily pick out the right candidate
- Maintained at centralised repository
- Streamlines recruiting process
- Advanced resume filtering options

The client is an India's largest manufacturer of turbochargers. It is a part of an India's largest auto ancillary groups. Emphasizing team work, trust and care among the employees, it always strives for higher standards of performance.
The client wanted an application that would enable them to do the following functions,
- Manage department wise & location wise job opportunities in their company
- Job application form must be there to collect Personal, Educational, Experience, Remuneration & other details from the candidate along with job specific questions
- Collected candidate details must be mailed to the relevant HR Admin & the same to be stored in the application for the administrator to access
- There can be many numbers of users from HR Department using the application for managing the career opportunities, short-listing the candidates etc.
What We Did
ANGLER provided a system that handles the following features,
Admin Panel with the below features:
- Master Management to manage Department, Location, Qualification, Specialization etc.
- Job opportunities management with Job Specific Questions
- Candidate's Resume Management with more number of filter options such as Date Range, Education, Points Range, status etc.
- Auto rejection of resumes
- Administrator & other privileged users will only able to update the Job specific details & status of the resumes
Career portion with the below features:
- The job opportunities will be displayed in the career page
- Job related details such as Basic Qualification required, Skills / Knowledge / Experience required / preferred and responsibility, etc.
- There will be an application form which collects Personal, Educational, Experience & other details. On Submission of application, an acknowledgement mail will be triggered to the candidate
- Resume validity & score for the job specific questions will be checked and the resumes will be stored in the DB
Technologies Used.
The following benefits are derived from the provided application,
- Administrator of this application can create a list of job opportunities and can activate / de-activate the job opportunities to display in the website at any point in time
- Maintain job specific questions for first level filtration of the resumes
- Visitors of the website / interested candidates can post their resume online
- Administrator can able to filter the required resumes based on the job questions score, Qualification, Experience etc.
- Job opportunities & resumes will be maintained in a centralised repository
- HR Department can able to give better output with this automated solution
Related Case Studies
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