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Business reports are significant to track progress towards its various goals. No one can deny on the fact “reports are an extremely important means of communication”. In general, this is a great feature for viewing several key metrics at a glance in an easy-to-digest format.
To exhibit the capabilities of your app you have to do continuous integration which guarantees the regular construction and testing of your software products. It is a process in which all development work is integrated as early as possible. By performing this CI testing you
Retaining existing customers and improving on new customer acquisition is the primary challenge which today’s organization face. Acquiring a new customer depends on how effectively the organization is able to build a comprehensive relationship with customer, persuade prospects with desired product /service outcomes etc. Angler’s
ANGLER being one of the largest open source software development company with decades of experience and highly skilled team of open source developers does reliable, secure, high performance and dynamic web applications using various open source platforms. With our immense expertise we have recently developed
With ever increasing business complexities and rapid market changes, there is an increasing urgency for all companies to leverage technology solutions while improving focus on your core businesses. Advancements in technology have brought about significant changes in the way businesses operate, we at ANGLER are
Successful Real time GPS Tracking APP with Live User Interaction
With ANGLER’s vast expertise, we deliver mobile app development solution with high performance, feature-packed native mobile applications in all major mobile platforms including iOS, Android, Windows, BlackBerry and more. The global business market increases its need for mobile app solutions day-by-day, to serve its customer
Similar to the process in design and development, quality testing services plays another major role in delivery of a product / service. A quality testing service involves the process of complete go through of the scope / requirement before the output is provided. Software testing can
End-to-end IT Remote Infrastructure Management Services
IT Infrastructure plays a vital role and planning for its effective management improves productivity and helps stop problems ahead. As most companies don’t prefer their IT managers to spend time in trouble-shooting, they plan for its maintenance according to the changing needs of the market.
ANGLER’s Rich Internet Applications Development using Angular JS
Today, we could see Organizations leveraging on Rich Internet Applications Development(RIA) technology to meet customer anticipations. In simple terms its web applications that are developed with convenient user interface, richer functionality accompanied with audio-visual elements and animations. Actually utilizing this will bring rich experiences to
Build your Offshore Development Centre @ Angler to Accelerate Time to Market
Typically, offshore development refers to the process of outsourcing a product or services to a company virtually. It can also be referred as the practice of hiring a resource from an external company to get the work done successfully within the deadline. Various important steps
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