eCommerce Store Development using Magento 2 and Node.js
Magento 2 and Node.js are open source platforms together builds a successful eCommerce store with more stability and scalability. We at ANGLER recommend this eCommerce Store Development technology to our clients that help them to serve both B2B and B2C platforms. Our eCommerce website developers in India are experts in creating, migrating online stores using Magento 2 and Node.js .
Advantages of Online eCommerce Store Development for Sellers
- Easy to add, update, modify the products in the catalog
- Allows customers to perform multiple orders and check out quickly
- Enabled with inventory management to maintain products purchase & sales
- Multi-user extension enables even the franchise to log in and sell the products
- Have multiple & secure payment methods for customers during online checkout of products
- Single click bulk order processing & order fulfillment from anywhere anytime with any device
- Sell products by presenting the online eCommerce store in regional languages & currencies
Our magneto eCommerce store developers are proficient in using the latest version of magneto 2 with advancement to enhance both online merchant and customer experiences. Consult with our expertise to leverage the new frontend technology enriched with features such as SEO friendliness, enhanced security, and data-driven insights that helps to build a user-friendly storefront for your customers. At ANGLER Hire Magento Developers to get your eCommerce store developed with Magneto 2 and Node.js with out of box features like GraphQL Support, Page Builder, PWA (Progressive Web Apps) Studio, Asynchronous and Bulk Web API, Multi-Source Inventory (MSI), Customizable Pricing, etc.
As a premium eCommerce store developer in India, we build online eCommerce stores using Magento 2 and Node.js to deliver websites with more user interfaces and high performance. This powerful backend tool supports social media integrations in eCommerce websites that help customers to share products among their friends and relatives. Reach our professional open source developer to get ideas and customize your eCommerce store and increase your online business.
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